büro für zeit + raum the büroproductionswhonewscontact

photo: lucyna galik www.lucynagalik.com

und übrigens kann ich fliegen
fantasy training for the real reality

a new anne hirth/ büro für zeit + raum production
accompanied by an installation by alexandra süßmilch

by + with fernanda farah, anna-luise recke, jürg plüss, florian bilbao, volker schindel,
greg stauffer and tobias dutschke

first performance
december 10th 2008 at HAU 2, berlin.
additional performances dec 12th, 13th and 14th 2008 at 8 p.m.
november 5th 2008 at fabrik potsdam
within the frame of the 15th international theatre festival UNIDRAM

read more: productions >> und übrigens kann ich fliegen

as an introduction to the piece may serve the wonderful essay "fliegen lernen" of dirk pilz in tanzraumberlin 11-12/2008 (only in german, sorry)

no palm trees… goes africa!
goethe institute invites yvette coetzee´s latest production to Namibia

read more: productions >> no palm trees...